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# 144 Evidence-informed, Integrative Evaluation & Treatment of Rotator Cuff Impairments


The course will introduce the participant to the most up-to-date literature as it pertains to treating rotator cuff impairments.  Using a combination of patient cases, lecture, lab, and video, the participant will gain a deeper understanding of how to correctly place a patient with rotator cuff impairment into the rehabilitation continuum as well as be provided with hands on lab sessions to practice creative hands on and exercise-base interventions.

Diagnoses covered will include: Rotator cuff impingement both subacromial and internal, tendinopathies, strains, partial and full thickness tears, chronic rotator cuff syndrome, scapular dyskinesia and anterior glenohumeral instability.

Dr Eric Wilson, a nationally recognized physical therapist and instructor, will teach efficient and effective techniques to build and grow shoulder referrals in your practice, based on successful outcomes.  Course instruction method includes: lecture, lab experience, demonstration, videos, case studies and question/answers.


Instructor: Eric Wilson, PT, DSc, DPT, OCS, SCS, CSCS, FAAOMPT


Course Cities and Dates:

# 144 Onsite Knoxville, TN (Covenant Health) Saturday - Sunday, March 1-2, 2025 at 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Local Time















# 144 Evidence-informed, Integrative Evaluation & Treatment of Rotator Cuff

  • Rate


    14 Hrs

    Group rate

    Group Discount – Register 5 or more



    Single Registration



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