#7230 Neuroanatomy Medical Terminology… The ABCs of Neurorehabilitation.
Are you a rehabilitation practitioner engaged in patient care or public health as a generalist rarely treating patients with neurologic diagnoses? Despite having a varied caseload including neurorehabilitation, are you less adept at knowing and understanding neurologic terms? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then this course is for you. The purpose of this course is to review medical terminology related to all aspects of neurology. After reviewing and being reacquainted with terms representing neuroanatomy and neurorehabilitation, the course registrant will be able to recognize and better understand terms related to neurologic diagnoses and impairments. Case studies and current research in neurorehabilitation will be used to demonstrate understanding of the terms learned as well as formal sentence structuring to choose the best neurologic term to convey meaning. Course delivery will include speaker-participant interaction and participant-participant interaction via media sources. (Intermediate Level)
Instructor: Jennifaye V Brown, PT, PhD, NCS, CAPS
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