#7427 Optimize Fall Prevention By Implementing Targeted Neuroplasticity Training in Older Adults
Neuroplasticity and neuroprotection provide us with a brain that can adapt not only to changes inflicted by damage but allows adaptation to any and all experiences and changes we may encounter. With this understanding, we can intervene to help with balance, gait and reduce fall risk in our patients for improvements in safety, ADLs, and leisure. Proprioception is also an integral part of movement, somatosensory input, gait and balance that is impacted by aging and disease as well. We can intervene to help the somatosensory input to ultimately reduce their fall risk. The earlier we intervene, the better as demonstrated with the STEADI Initiative at the CDC.. Course instruction methods include lecture, picture/graph, demonstration, videos, case studies and question/answers. (Intermediate Level)
Instructor: Michel Janet Denes (Shelly). PT, C/NDT, CFPS, CGCP
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