#7460 Frailty: Screening and Intervention for the Physical Therapist
Physical frailty is associated with aging as well as a range of co-morbidities including chronic lung disease, cancer, and diabetes mellitus. While most older adults are not physically frail, those who are more likely to encounter the health care system and require physical therapy. Screening and accurate interpretation of frailty screens is critical to identify those who are frail or pre-frail to address frailty through interventions that include exercise. Effective dosing of exercise is critical and can help to reduce and even reverse frailty. Course instruction method includes: Lecture, Picture/Graphs, Videos, Case Studies, and Question/Answer.
Instructor: Kerstin Palombaro, PT, PhD
Live Webinar Dates and Times:
#7460 on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 from 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm EST
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