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#7461 Functional Improvement for the Medically Complex Patient


This webinar will use case studies to present screening and differential process using sound problem-solving and critical thinking skills as a guide for conducting patient examinations and their subsequent interventions for the “medically complex” patient. Learn how to identify and interpret “yellow flags” and “red flags”, lab values, imaging results, medical tests’ results and interpret patient responses. Relevant anatomy & physiology along with the ever-important medical pathology surrounding our patient population will be reviewed and discussed. This information will be relevant across practice settings such as Acute Care, SNF, Inpatient Rehab, Home Health, and Outpatient. Course instruction method includes: Lecture, Demonstrations, Videos, Case Studies, and Question/Answers.


Instructor: Patrick A. Tino, PT, DPT


Live Webinar Dates and Times:

#7461 on Wednesday, July 16, 2025 from 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM ET


Self Study Available Anytime For Purchase

#7461 Functional Improvement for the Medically Complex Patient

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